Sunday, August 12, 2007

The second Podcast is in the can! And it's absolutely horrible.

Eric and I recorded the second "A Complete Waste Of Time" today and it's horrendous. Let's just say that preparation might be the key to a good podcast. Also we jumped the Shark because Eric has "Balls of Steel!"

We explore spy squirrels, the Danza Voluminosa dance troupe (the lead ballerina is 286lbs), senior citizen sex, and what the world would be like if repressed homosexual republicans were contagious. If we had an audience, I would say this is for mature people only, but really it's not for anyone. Please send your angry emails to . . . because she might care. We don't. I mean that.

The podcast should be up tomorrow night (Monday the 13th) Until then. . . . do whatever it is you do when you're not wasting time.


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